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What started as focus on protest against military supremacy has silently lead to focus on support for civil supremacy. The retirement of Rukman Katwal, the ex-military chief (the main person who triggered the present crisis) has de-facto diverted the attention of United Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) [CPN (Maoist)] to support for civil supremacy. This means it has now shifted its attention to House supremacy whereby unconstitutional move of the President over-ruling the rule of then prime-minister’s order  should be tabled for discussion in the House. However this shift has not brought any consensus between the Maosts and  the governing old main stream parties. At present  Maoist’s both hands are full of agendas. The right hand represents Civil supremacy, making people’s republic constitution, adhering to peace agreement, safeguarding nationhood and making national coalition government. The   left hand represents upholding class, ethnicity, regional, gender and Dalit issues. In contrast the governing old main stream parties  have no agenda except to stay in power by hook or crook. Without shame they are alleging Maoists are using civil supremacy as a ploy to capture state power. They forget that the Maoists had resigned from Government not once but thrice on their own volition on moral ground.

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